March 24, 2014


Sometimes it is hard to know what parts of your life are appropriate to share with your family, your friends, with social media, and even here on my blog (hence no posts since November).  When you are walking through the mud and when you finally come out on the other side, I believe the best 'sigh of relief' or the greatest 'declaration of victory', is sharing your story with others.  Everyone has a story and you never know when your story will be an encouragement, a confirmation, or a challenge to others.  I desire to be transparent, even in the most difficult of times.

Charley and I both chose a path of serving Jesus through ministry and the church.  We felt called to it separately when we were young and once we met, it was one of the biggest confirmations that we were supposed to do life together.  Through worship ministry, family ministry, missions, and discipleship, we have served and been blessed to call several ministries and churches 'home'.  More recently we served at a church in Las Vegas, Nevada for two years.  When our time there drew to a close in August, we came out with more hurt than hope and with more "what not to do" than "what to do", when it comes to loving others and leading others to Jesus.  Although some experiences in life end in disappointment, you never hope for it nor do you expect it.   We learned a lot and met some wonderful people, but we are again on a journey to find our tribe; our people.

Where we're at now...

Charley and I have settled in West Los Angeles and we finally feel like we can breathe.  We have lived with multiple family members over the last several months (an experience and season I would never change),  shared a room with a toddler, spent our savings, worked odd jobs, looked for jobs, church hopped, accepted help, laughed, cried, fought, forgave, rejoiced, mourned, prayed, prayed, and prayed again.  God has answered our prayers in a beautiful way.  Not in the way we would have written it, but we are grateful and we are happy.  We know we are being used and will continue to be used, wherever we are.

My beautiful family in front of the marina - just a short walk from our new home.

I am still (and always will be) a work in progress.  In Hebrews it say, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God.  Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and He is the one whom we are accountable."  For me, this is a reminder to be first and foremost, transparent with God and secondly, with those around you.  It is the best accountability I can have.  Transparency can change your life, your relationships, and your attitude.

How can you be more transparent in your life?

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