April 16, 2014

A Very Yo Gabba Gabba Birthday Celebration

Two years ago today, on April 16th, was my due date with my precious little girl.  She came 4 days later and changed my world forever and changed it for the better.  Some who read this may have heard me tell the story about my 5th grade project.  We were assigned a career project, "What I Want to Be When I Grow Up".  As most of my peers were drawing and writing on being doctors, firemen, teachers, and politicians, I wrote, "When I grow up I want to be a Mom".  It may have been the love I had for my own Mother at the time or the way, even at 10 years old, I loved babies and children and taking care of them.  I know that God has gifted me in many ways, but being a Mother and giving birth to my little girl, was the biggest confirmation that I was destined and called to raise her (and more someday) in the like-ness of Christ.  I hope and pray for nothing less, that she will love Jesus and serve Him all the days of her life.

It seems impossible that I am sharing her 2nd birthday party on the blog today.  I keep asking myself, where has the time gone?  Of course everyone reminds you of how fast they grow up, but it honestly doesn't prepare you.  AT ALL.  As I write this teary-eyed, I can only hope to stop and enjoy life with her more often, let the dishes sit in the sink a little bit longer, and cherish every opportunity I have to watch Symi grow, learn, love, and laugh.

Symi Coco has loved Yo Gabba Gabba since she was 6 months old.  It seemed only fitting to throw her a YGG birthday bash and we thought her 2nd birthday would be perfect since she would really be able to enjoy it!  It truly was a PERFECT day.  The weather forecast was ugly, but several of us kept on praying and we got a gorgeous day.  We had a wonderful turn out of family and friends and Symi had the time of her life!

Here is our day in pictures:

My sister Bayley and I made the cake, three layers, - funfetti, chocolate, and lemon.  It was delicious and we barely had any left!


I made Symi's tutu and headband and sewed the tutu to her very favorite YGG shirt!  I think it turned out super cute!

This was Symi's first Easter Egg Hunt.  As her actual birthday falls on Easter this year, I thought it would be a fun activity.  It turned pretty comical as many of the toddlers would find an egg, but open it first to make sure they liked what was inside!

My sister Traci insisted on having a pinata at the party and who is going to say no to a pinata?!  When she brought it out and showed Symi how to hit it with the stick, Symi got very upset and said over and over, "I don't fight.  I don't fight."  I guess I should have known she wouldn't want to hit one of her favorite characters with a stick - haha!  The boys and little Jade had a fun time swinging at it though!

Charley's grandmother, Granny Charlene, came to the party and we were so blessed by her visit.  She was unable to attend Symi's 1st birthday, so it was a real treat.  At the young age of 94, she did so well and I'm so glad we got some pictures of Sym and her Great Granny!

Thank you to ALL who helped make the party possible, all who came and celebrated and spoiled Symi Girl, and to Brian (Dad), Christian, and Bethany for capturing the day with AMAZING photos and videos!  Raising Symi is something we want to do with our family and friends and we are overwhelmed by all who love and cherish her as much as we do.  We are simply blessed and are excited for all that is to come!

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